Current Tournaments in UK and Ireland

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Click on the name of a tournament to see details of that event, its format, location and a list of winners.

Tournament Sort descending Overview Next Date Current Champion
London Youth

Youth event with even and handicap sections.

Scott Cobbold
MSO 13x13

13x13 tournament at Mind Sports Olympiad in London

Yicheng Xiao & Tik Wai Cheung & Peikai Xue
MSO 9x9

9x9 tournament at Mind Sports Olympiad.

Joanne Leung

Played online on 19x19 - from 2024 on Playstrategy

Yat Hin Yorkson Cheung
MSO Open

Main Go event at the Mind Sports Olympiad in London

Tik Wai Cheung

New event 2024

Peikai Xue

Annual McMahon tournament, held near Manchester

17 November 2024 Ryan Zhang
Not the London Open

Event at London Go Centre (held alongside Challengers' League until 2019)

Ziyin Yuan

3-round McMahon.

Peikai Xue

3-round McMahon

Tianyi Chen

New event in Dublin alternating with the Confucius Cup.

Dewei Liu

One day McMahon tournament

13 October 2024 Peikai Xue
Sheffield University

New one day tournament on 14/5/2022 then 6/5/2023. 3 round McMahon.

Yicheng Xiao
Stacey Grand Prix

Annual Grand Prix for players above the McMahon bar

Toby Manning

Annual McMahon Tournament in Swindon, Wiltshire

28 September 2024 Peikai Xue and Guodong Cao
T Mark Hall Rapid Play

At London Go Centre

7 December 2024 Tianyi Chen & Jun Su
Three Peaks

Weekend McMahon event held in Northern England

2–3 November 2024 Ryan Zhang
Tonbridge Artur Gascon

Annual McMahon tournament held in Cambridge

Zeyu Qiu

3-rounds - Fischer time, 30mins+10s/move
Entry form available from the Events Calendar.

Yiyang Ding