Stacey Grand Prix

Grand Prix
Current Champion
Toby Manning

Annual Grand Prix for players above the McMahon bar

Past Winners and Results
  • 2024 Peikai Xue
  • 2023 Peikai Xue
  • 2022 Yaoling Yang
  • 2020 Toby Manning
  • 2019 Alistair Wall
  • 2018 Toby Manning
  • 2015 - 2017 Alistair Wall
  • 2014 Toby Manning
  • 2013 Andrew Simons
  • 2012 Andrew Kay
  • 2011 Alistair Wall
  • 2010 Matthew Macfadyen
  • 2009 Yohei Negi
  • 2008 Shaoyou Ouyang
  • 2007 William Brooks
  • 2006 Alistair Wall
  • 2005 Francis Roads
  • 2004 Young Kim
  • 2003 Tim Hunt
  • 2000 - 2002 Francis Roads
  • 1999 Matthew Macfadyen
  • 1998 Francis Roads
  • 1997 John Rickard
  • 1996 Francis Roads
  • 1995 Alistair Wall
  • 1994 Francis Roads
  • 1993 Des Cann
  • 1992 Francis Roads
  • 1990, 1991 Harold Lee
Start Year

This is not a specific tournament, but runs throughout the year.

All players score a point for every game won in UK tournaments in games played above the McMahon bar. The year ends at the British Go Congress, where the trophy in memory of Terry Stacey is presented.

Last updated Mon Jul 22 2024.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.