London Open Ends in Tie

London Open
Wed, 28 - Sat, 31 Dec 2022

The 48th London Open ended in a tie. So many of the 70 players were strong that the bar was at 5 dan and the three best players ran out of sensible opponents for the last round. As a consequence the players and organisers agreed that no arbitary tie-break would be applied in the case of a draw. In the end one of the three lost and it was two players, Minseong Kim (7d Korea) and Yaoling Yang (6d Bristol), that were declared joint winners, both on 6/7. Chun Fang (5d Edinburgh) had to be content with third place on 5/7.

Last updated Thu Jan 05 2023.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

UK Youth Beat Hungary

European Youth Go Team Championship (EYGTC)
Sat, 10 Dec 2022

In the second match in the European Youth Go Team Championship, the UK youth team played Hungary. Another five youngsters from our EYGTC team took part, with games spread over the two days of the weekend.

Last updated Fri Jan 06 2023.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Autumn Tournament Round Up

Sat, 24 Sep - Sun, 6 Nov 2022

Those not reported here already:

Confucius Cup (Irish Open), Dublin - 24th-25th September - 39 players
Winner Stanislaw Frejlak (1p Poland).
Second Dohyup Kim (7d Korea).

Sheffield - 9th October - 20 players
Winner Alvina Kwok (1d London).
Second Richard Wheeldon (1d London).
3/3 Bjorn Eurenius (7k Lancaster),
Steve Andrews (13k, Lincoln).

Last updated Tue Dec 06 2022.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Autumn Online Youth Events

Sun, 18 Sep - Sun, 13 Nov 2022

The first online youth event of the autumn was the UK Squad Selection Tournament on Sunday 18th September. Twenty players took part, hoping to attract the attention of the squad manager, most being from Cambridge, London and Edinburgh. The event winner was Scott Cobbold with three wins, with Gene Wong as the runner up. The only player below the bar winning three was Yiliang Liu (16k Cambridge).

Last updated Wed Nov 23 2022.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

UK Youth Lost to Germany

European Youth Go Team Championship (EYGTC)
Sat, 12 Nov 2022

The UK youth team is again playing in the European Youth Go Team Championship. This time each match is five games played on OGS (not KGS) with one player U20, two U16 and two U12. Team manager Alison Bexfield made up the team as listed on our EYGTC page. Alison aims to rotate the players on the team, to give all a chance to play, whilst trying to match strengths of opponents and yet giving the team a chance of winning.

Last updated Mon Dec 12 2022.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

UK Beats Spain

Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tue, 22 Nov 2022

In the second match of the season in the C League, the UK team played Spain. Unfortunately for them their number one player, Óscar Anguila, was ill and so the team order was shuffled up with a reserve on board three. In the match the UK players outplayed their opponents to win all four games which moved the team up to second place.

Leading the C League with two wins is Ireland who beat Slovenia three games to one, with wins for Karl Irwin, Philippe Renaut and John Courtney, but a loss for Gavin Rooney.

League Page with game records

Last updated Mon Dec 12 2022.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

The Northern is Back!

Sun, 20 Nov 2022

It was good to resume the Northern after the two year pandemic break by returning to Cheadle Hulme School on Sunday 20th November. Sizeable contingents from Sheffield University and Lancaster added to the pupils at the school and others to bring the total attendance to 32. The overall winner was Junlin Lei, 5d from Lancaster, shown here on the right receiving his prize. Zhang Wei, 5d from Manchester, was in second place.

Last updated Wed Nov 23 2022.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

BGJ 201 Now Available in Members' Area

The Autumn 2022 edition of the BGJ is now available for members to read in the Members' Area, with printed copies having being sent out to those that receive them.

Last updated Tue Nov 22 2022.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

UK Draws with Bulgaria

Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tue, 25 Oct 2022

In the first match of the season, now in the C League, the UK team played Bulgaria. Des Cann's game ended quickly with a win and new captain Bruno Poltronieri also won. Unfortunately Jamie Taylor and Scott Cobbold both lost, leaving the match drawn and the team in third position out of 8.

However later the Bulgarian board 4 player's results were discounted in all matches so the UK gained an extra board win changing the match into a 3-1 win.

Last updated Mon Jun 05 2023.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

BGA and AGF Launch Children's Go Server, a new site designed specifically for kids aged 6 to 12, is now live on the web as a beta release.

A joint project of the American Go Foundation and the British Go Association, the server is designed to be a totally safe and kid friendly environment that can be used by anyone, and in schools.

Last updated Tue Nov 01 2022.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.