Junior News

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: UK’s Youth Team Narrowly Lose to Czechia

In round four of the European Youth Go Team Championship the UK’s youth team narrowly lost to Czechia 2-3. As expected, Tom and Roella lost on boards 1 and 3, although they put up a good fight against much stronger opponents. Oscar managed a good win on evenly matched board 2 and Edmund cruised to victory on board 4. This left us needing a win on board 5 where we had chances with our player on paper only one grade weaker. Anthony played well and looked to be…

: UK youth team fight hard, but lose to Israel

The BGA UK Youth team lost 1-4 to Israel on Sat, 13 Dec 2014, in the European Youth Go Team Championship which sees us currently in 10th place overall out of the 13 teams, with 2 rounds left to play.

We were heavily outranked on boards 1, 4 and 5 against Israel, although Tom, Anthony and Hilary acquitted themselves well in the face of grading differences of between 10 and 16 stones.

: Race for 2014 Youth Grand Prix reaches final month

We're now in December - the final month of the 2014 Youth Grand Prix (YGP).

Cash prizes of £50, £30 and £20 will soon be decided.

With 11 months' results now in, the current standings suggest that the top 3 will come from these 4 players (grade, club and - most importantly, here - current YGP points are in brackets):

Edmund Smith…

: UK Youth Go team triumphs over Italy

The UK youth go team, as you would know from previous news items, is one of 13 teams signed up to the European Youth Go Team Championship. Follow that link to see the 12 players currently registered in the UK team.

In the second round of matches, the UK team beat Italy on Sat. 29th November.

Well done to Thomas, Oscar, Alex, Edmund and Anthony for their 4-1 win, which places the UK…

: UK Play First Match in Junior European League

The UK youth team played Romania on KGS on the afternoon of Saturday 15th November, in the first round of the European Youth Go Team Championship. The team played well against some very strong competition. They were hugely outranked on the first 4 boards, but had an even match on board 5, where Edmund did well to turn his game around from a difficult position into a convincing win by resignation. They lost the other four games, although post game analysis on…

: European youth online team tournament

I am pleased to announce that the UK is fielding a national youth team in the first European Youth Go Team Championship (which is being held online for logistical reasons).

We have a squad of 12 players from which we select 5 players for each match of which one must be U20, two U16 and two U12. Well done to the 12 players who have been selected for the national youth squad:

  • U20 Melchior Chui
  • U20 Thomas Meehan
  • U16 Hasan…

: Youth Squad News

National Youth Squad members will have received invitations to join the junior online club which will meet on Sunday evenings 8:00 - 9:00 pm. This will use a private room on the KGS server. The aim is for junior squad members who live a long way from other players to be able to meet and play with other juniors in a dedicated online club room. Members will also be able to ask Alison Bexfield (squad leader) and Roger Huyshe (BGA online coach) for analysis and advice to help improve their…

: A new Youth Tournament on 8 November 2014

Our Youth Squad leader Alison Bexfield is running a 6-round rapid-play tournament in Letchworth on Saturday 8th November 2014. There will be two separate junior sections included in this event. The Junior Open is for juniors who are confident players (stronger than 20 kyu) and the novice section is for those newer to the game or who have not achieved success in tournaments to date.

This is one of a series of events Alison is planning, to create more chances for juniors to play…

: New Version of Cartoon Booklet

The cartoon booklet "Go An Introduction", where the Chess pieces learn to play from the Go stones, has been reissued. The new version uses pass stones at the end of the game just like in the UK Go Challenge and other tournaments. It also corrects the spelling error "altohether"!

You can see the online version or the PDF version or ask us to send your Go group some of the new printed ones.

: New Generation take over at Youth champs

With the oldest players of recent years moved on to University the way was open for the new generation to take over at the British Youth Go Championships in Aston, Birmingham. Everybody expected Oscar Selby to triumph, at 6k being 3 grades above the rest of the field, but he made a mistake in a fight to lose…