Junior News

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: UK Youth team narrowly loses to Serbia

The UK youth team narrowly lost to Serbia yesterday 2-3. This was the first of the 3 rounds in the European Youth Go Team Championship 2016/17. Please follow that link for names of the complete UK youth team squad.

Post-match comments (see below for comments prior to the games):

As expected, Zaki and Josh - playing on the two U16 boards - cruised to easy victories, with both clearly outranking their opponents. We…

: All Go for British Youth at Space Centre

This year the BGA decided to hold the British Youth Go Championship at the exciting location of The National Space Centre in Leicester. Previously used as the venue of the East Midlands Tournament, the conference rooms made a very comfortable venue for the 43 young players, aged from 5 to 17, grades 2d to 37k, and…

: Gifted and talented in Manchester

On Saturday 30 children from six schools in South Manchester attended a Go workshop at Greenbank school. Martin Harvey had used his connection with Cheadle Hulme School to contact the local Educational 'Gifted and Talented' scheme, who then…

: UK Youth Go Team finish sixth in European Team Tournament

The UK Youth GO team have finished a respectable sixth out of the twelve teams competing in the European online Youth Go Team Tournament. This year the draw was an accelerated Swiss which meant the top teams were paired against each other from an early stage. This gave our team more chances to play more evenly matched opponents. We picked up wins against Poland (3-2) and Italy, Switzerland and Austria (4-1) and lost to Czechia (2-3) and Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia (1-3).

As last…

: UK youth team lose to Croatia, Slovenia and Serbia

The UK Youth team had an exciting match today against the combined team of Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia. First to finish was Aidan on board 4 who played a solid game and claimed a straight forward win. We then lost on board 1 where Elom had a tough game against a 3 dan opponent. With the score 1-1 we needed a win on one of the two U16 boards. Both Charlotte and Edmund had exciting games which looked to be going their way after the opening. Charlotte had killed a large group and Edmund had…

: UK Junior team to play Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia....

The UK Junior team is currently lying in 9th place of the 12 teams in the European Youth Go Online Team Championship with two rounds to go. They lost 2 board to 3 against Czechi on 28th November. Edmund Smith and Aidan Wong won their games in the U12 section, where as Laurence Turner (U20), Alex Terry and Dylan Zhu Dong (U16) lost theirs.

The UK will be playing the combined team of Croatia, Serbia and Slovenia in round 3 which is scheduled for Saturday 12 December. This is likely to…

: UK Youth Go Team win 3-2 against Poland

The UK Youth Go team played Poland in the first round of the four round European Youth Online Team Championship and won 3-2. Lawrence had a tough game on board 1 against a strong dan player on the U18 board. However our strength in the U16s paid off with both Oscar and Alex winning their U16 boards. Both U12 boards were evenly matched in paper. Aidan had a close defeat but Alexander gained an easy win to clinch the match. The team will be playing Czechia next on 28 November.

: British Youth Postponed

Unfortunately there was not enough support for the British Youth Go Championship on the date planned (31st May) and we have had to postpone it until the autumn.

The UK Go Challenge Finals (13x13 boards) is going ahead though on Saturday 18th July in Letchworth Garden City. All young players of any level are welcome at that.

: British Youth Team in Action at EYGC

The UK had six players representing it at the European Youth Go Championships held over the weekend of 15th March in Zandvoort am Zee in the Netherlands.

Looking very smart in their UK Youth Team hoodies there was a good team spirit. After the first two rounds things…

: 2015 UK Go Challenge Launched

The entry forms for the 2015 UK Go Challenge are now available on the UK Go Challenge website. Packs will be ready by the middle or end of February.

The only thing that has changed this year is the prizes. Back again are the ever-popular black and white logo bugs. This year they are carrying the motto "Play Go!". The top prize is back too; instead of a trophy, it is one of the "Play Go!" tote bags.

Also different is the coloured…