Current Tournaments All Winners

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All Winners

Click on the name of a tournament to see details of that event, its format and location.

Title Type Past Winners and Results
UK Go Challenge Finals Youth
Ulster Open McMahon
  • 2024 Lucretiu Calota
  • 2022 James Hutchinson
  • 2021 Tom Coulthard
Welsh Open McMahon
Wessex McMahon
Youth Grand Prix Youth
  • 2023 Ryan Zhang (132 players)
  • 2022 Andrew Volovich (107 players)
  • 2021 Andrew Volovich (102 players)
  • 2020 Oliver Bardsley (62 players)
  • 2019 Caleb Monk (115 players)
  • 2018 Edmund Smith (105 players)
  • 2017 Edmund Smith (83 players)
  • 2016 Edmund Smith (68 players)
  • 2015 Charlotte Bexfield (49 players)
  • 2014 Edmund Smith (51 players)
  • 2013 Oscar Selby (49 players)
  • 2012 Edmund Smith (38 players)
  • 2011 Adan Mordcovich (42 players)
  • 2010 Roella Smith (69 players)
  • 2009 Matthew Hathrell (86 players)
  • 2008 Danielle Ward (78 players)
  • 2007 William Brooks (92 players)
  • 2006 Ken Dackombe (58 players)
  • 2005 Maria Tabor (92 players)
  • 2004 William Brooks (60 players)
  • 2003 Jonathan Englefield (40 players)
  • 2002 Jonathan Englefield (27 players)
  • 2001 Paul Blockley (34 players)
  • 1996/97 Thomas Blockley (special award as points were not counted)
  • 1995/96 James Harrod (previous system - end of the year was the British Go Congress)
  • 1994/95 David King
  • 1993/94 David King