Kirsty and Matthew regain Pair Go crown:

British Pair Go
Boars Hill, Oxford
Sun, 9 Jun 2013

Kirsty Healey and Matthew Macfadyen regained the Pair Go crown at the 2013 British Pair Go Championships. Defending champions Natasha Regan and Matthew Cocke came dressed as a medieval queen and king, and so won the best-dressed competition, but lost the final by 12.5 points.

Last updated Fri Feb 14 2014.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Jon Diamond wins at Arundel

Sat, 1 Jun 2013

Jon Diamond made a clean sweep at Arundel, winning all three games, with Andrew Jones runner-up with 2.5 wins (komi was 7 points). He received the new trophy donated by Pauline and Steve Bailey, a miniature traditional decorated Go board, from the official Arundel Town Crier.

22 players made it to the usual playing venue, the Football Club, immediately opposite the entrance to the famous Castle, and included players from both the distant Swindon and Leicester Go clubs.

Prizes were awarded to the winners of the first two games. In addition to the above these included Roger Daniel, Oscar Selby and Pauline Bailey.

Last updated Sat Oct 14 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Two Andrews Tie the Challengers':

Challengers' League
ISH, London
Fri, 24 - Mon, 27 May 2013

Reigning British Champion, Andrew Kay 4d, and fellow Cambridge University graduate Andrew Simons, 4d, have emerged as the finalists for the British Go Championship from the Challengers' League held at ISH in London.

Last updated Tue Feb 11 2014.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Di Wu wins the Scottish Open

Scottish Open
Sat, 25 - Sun, 26 May 2013

After 14 years away from Glasgow, the Scottish Open returned to the congenial setting of the University’s Gilchrist Postgraduate Club, and featured 25 players. Proceedings kicked off on the Friday evening with 6 players from Glasgow and Skye playing simultaneous games against Di Wu (4 dan Durham).

Di also won the tournament with a perfect 6/6, followed by David Lee (3d Dundee) on 5/6. The only other player to record 5 wins was Gary Craig (15k Glasgow). Prizes for 4 wins were taken by Martin Harvey (5k Manchester), Greg Cox (10k Dundee) and Carel Goodheir (11k Skye). The final prize went to third placed Jurriaan Dijkman (4k Skye). Thanks to the sponsors, everyone took home a bar of natural soap from, and also a bottle of Monkey Jump ale, courtesy of the Skye Go Cub.


Last updated Sat Oct 21 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Pandanet Go European Team Championship UK captain

With the completion of the 2012/13 season we're pleased to announce that Chris Bryant is taking over from Andrew Simons as team captain for the next season. We'd like to thank Andrew for his efforts in the past season and hope he continues to be part of the team.

We need to reverse our relegation from Division 2 as soon as possible, so we're asking our strongest players to contact Chris if you're interesting in playing for 2013/14, starting this September/October.

Last updated Sat Oct 21 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

New Club

We've got a new club in East Sussex; see Seaford.

Last updated Sat Oct 21 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Jon Diamond regains Bracknell

Sun, 12 May 2013

Jon Diamond regained the Bracknell title after a four year gap. He beat Sandy Taylor, 2d Bristol, in the last round to win the 38 player event. The only other player to win all three was young Oscar Selby, 11k Epsom. Oscar Selby also won the 13x13. Wanstead won the team prize, which included retaining the Broken Go Stone Trophy. The Go problem prize was won by Malcolm Walker, 7k and the caption contest was won by Tony Atkins.


Last updated Sat Oct 21 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.


Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tue, 7 May 2013

We drew our final match against Italy, which we needed to win to avoid relegation. Both Bei Ge and Jon Diamond lost this time. A poor performance all round!

So we ended up with a really consistent record this season, no wins and 4 draws from the 9 matches. Jon Diamond must be tagged as the main culprit - no wins from 6 games.

Must try harder next year...

Last updated Sat Oct 21 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Andrew Kay wins Candidates' in Edinburgh:

Sat, 4 - Mon, 6 May 2013

The Candidates' Tournament, the first stage in the British Championship, was held for the first time in Edinburgh, to allow more Scottish players to take part.

The British Champion, Andrew Kay, requested to take part, despite being guaranteed a place in the Challengers' League by the rules, and convincingly won the event, for the third year running.

Last updated Fri Feb 14 2014.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Mike Cockburn wins Bar-Low unbeaten

Sun, 5 May 2013

14 players attended the 2013 Cambridge Bar-Low, Mike Cockburn, 1 kyu from St Albans, won the tournament again, 12 years after he last won it. He scored an unbeaten 5 wins out of 5.

Prizes were also awarded to Roger Daniel, 5 kyu from London, with 4 wins, and Richard Mullens, 5 kyu from London City, third by tie-break, with 3 wins.


Last updated Sat Oct 21 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.