British Championship 2014 update

In case some of you didn’t notice: due to a booking conflict at the International Students House we’ve had to change the days of the week for the Challengers League from Friday - Monday as in previous years to Saturday 24th May - Tuesday 27th May in 2014. We hope this won’t be too much of an inconvenience to you and would like feedback after the event as to whether we should keep these days of the week or revert to Friday to Monday (subject to room availability obviously).

The British Championship entry fee will remain as it has for the last few years at £25, with something new this year: the entry fee those entitled to BGA concessionary membership will be £10.

Also new this year we are considering offering assistance with travel expenses to those in financial difficulty.

Last updated Fri Oct 13 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

New Tournament Registration System

Thanks to John Collins we now have a new system to handle online Registration for our Tournaments. This does not handle any payments, but allows anyone to enter a tournament using a simple online form, provide an ICS calendar entry and also look at the list of publicly available entrants.

This system is available as a free service to any Tournament Organiser who is a BGA member.

It provides a number of options for specifying different classes of entrants, early booking discounts etc. and provides the organiser with the full list of entrants as well as a file suitable for direct import into Godraw to potentially make the draw for the first round of the tournament. Tournaments can be created from scratch, by cloning another one, e.g.

Last updated Mon Jun 10 2024.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Accommodation at EYGC and BGC

Already our discounted accommodation has sold out and Butlins own discounted rate ends today, 4th February. We are sorry that accommodation is selling fast but the warm UK weather is encouraging people to take winter holidays in the UK!

Latest advice on accommodation is at with options for parties of 4 or 6.

If you are a single or a couple then there are various hotels in Bognor and also guest houses, but some of these are running low on availability (some links from out accommodation page).

Last updated Fri Oct 13 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

European Youth Go Championships 2014

So far we've received more than 60 entries for these three events, but it's a little disappointing that we don't have any UK players in the Under-20 Championship yet, especially with the prize of a trip to the World Under-20 Championship in Japan.

The entries we do have for the Under-20 range from 2 dan to 6 dan in strength, so it's definitely going to be a challenging tournament for any entrant.

We'd like to see more UK players in all the events, so if you know of someone young who might like to play (there's no entry fee) please get in contact with them and persuade them to come along.

Last updated Fri Oct 13 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

BGA team lose to Spain by small amount

Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tue, 28 Jan 2014

In the 6th round of the online teams league, the British team lost to Spain, but two games only by a very small amount. All the games went into overtime. First to finish was Martha McGill's game against Rogelio Gomes. Unfortunately some edge stones got captured and Martha had to resign. On board one Andrew Simons claimed our only win against Paco Garcia de la Banda. When Andrew killed one of Paco's large groups late on, Paco was unable to kill Andrew's back and had to resign. The other two games were very tight finishes and both ended at almost exactly the same time. Unfortunately we lost both: Des Cann lost to Jesus Roldan by 1.5 points and Sandy Taylor to José-Manuel Vega by 3.5 points. This left UK very mid-table with three wins, two losses and a draw. Spain's win put them up to third behind Bulgaria and C League leaders Turkey.

Full results for the season and game records can be seen here

Last updated Tue Jan 05 2021.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

British Championship dates and locations confirmed

The dates and locations for both the Candidates (Warwick University) and the Challengers Leagues (International Students House) this year are now confirmed. Details are available on our Calendar page.

Please note that only limited (and not cheap) on-site accommodation is available for the Candidates, so if you want this please book as soon as possible.

Last updated Sat Oct 14 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Learn to Play Go day!

As part of the effort related to the European Youth Go Championship in Bognor Regis we've organised a Learn to Play Go day at the Fishbourne Centre in West Sussex on 8th March.

Please feel free to invite anyone to drop in between 10am and 3pm (experienced players also welcome).

Last updated Sat Oct 14 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

GoGoD back online!

We're please to be able to report that GoGoD is now back online, after a period of down-time, but at a different location:

After spending so many years on the GoGoD database, T Mark Hall was naturally keen that his legacy should endure. He therefore asked John Fairbairn (in photo right) to try to keep the project going, at least until the original target of 100,000 games was reached (it currently has 79,000 games).

To match even a fraction of the work Mark did is a daunting task, but he did leave a large reserve of games for processing, and so John has decided to re-light the flame, but with considerable changes to ease the workload.

The most important are:

  • GoGoD moves from standing for Games of Go on Disc to Games of Go on Download.
Last updated Sat Oct 14 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Toby Manning wins at Maidenhead

Sat, 18 Jan 2014

Toby Manning (2d Leicester) won the Maidenhead Tournament with a surprise win over Andrew Simons (4d Cambridge) in the last round. Also winning all three games to claim two prizes were: Francis Roads (1d Wanstead), Paul Barnard (1k Swindon), Adam Heslop (4k Edinburgh), Malcolm Walker (7k No Club), Daniel Peace (9k Oxford), Colin Lee (11k North London) and Charlotte Bexfield (16k Letchworth). All those on two wins were rewarded with one prize.


Also winning prizes were Charlotte Bexfield and Johannes Siven for 4/6 in the 13x13 side event. The box of chocolates for the best team was shared by members of three teams: Paratus, Arundel and Maidenhead, each with 6 out of 12.

Last updated Sat Oct 14 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Japanese Professional to visit Scotland

It has been confirmed that two Japanese Professionals, Chizu Kobayashi 5p and Masaki Minematsu 6p are to visit the European Youth and British Go Congress over the weekend of Feb 28/March 3.

During the preceding week they will visit Oxford Go Club, and during the following week Chizu Kobayashi will visit Edinburgh Go Club.

This will be the first visit of a professional go player to Scotland for 15 years.

Last updated Sat Oct 14 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.