UK Win Again in Europe

Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tue, 24 Oct 2017

The UK team won again in the European Teams to stay top of the B-League (equal with Germany). They beat Switzerland by four games to nil.

Andrew Simons wrote:

I was playing John Walch 4d again, who always gives me a tough game. As we are both slow players who struggle in overtime, my plan was to play faster than him, but that plan soon evaporated! We did a mini-Chinese plus not-avalanche opening that was popular in pro games a few years ago, but quickly went into uncharted territory and I spent a lot of time and ended up loosely connecting on top and capturing a stone in a ladder whilst he got some big territory with bad aji, seemed so-so.

After his double approach I tried out a 2nd line hanging connection pros like that's supposed to give my group more eyeshape (spoiler alert, it died).

Last updated Tue Jan 05 2021.
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Catalin Taranu (5p) at Northern

Cheadle Hulme School
Sat, 14 Oct 2017

The Northern Go Tournament was honoured to host Romanian-born professional Go player Catalin Taranu (5p). He commented on some of the games, gave a talk at lunchtime, and handed out the prizes. He stayed over to attend a meal and on the following day taught at a workshop in Stockport.

Unfortunately the organiser, Chris Kirkham, committed the first blunder of the day, messing up the registration and therefore starting an hour late! Not making blunders was the overall winner, Eetu Erkkila (1d) from Finland. He beat Yangran Zhang (3d) from Manchester in the final round.

Also winning prizes for winning all their three games were Andrew Russell (4k) from Birmingham, Adrian Abrahams (7k) from Lancaster, Brent Cutts (8k) from Nottingham and Amy Upton (22k) from Cheadle Hulme School. 42 players took part.

As in 2016, Cheadle Hulme School provided an excellent venue for which the organiser was very thankful.


Last updated Sat Oct 21 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Gifted and Talented in South Manchester

On Saturday 7th October 2017, 15 children from half a dozen schools in South Manchester attended a Go workshop at Greenbank Preparatory School (GPS). Following the same format as in the previous year, GPS had contacted the local Educational 'Gifted and Talented' scheme, who then sponsored the day and selected the children. British Go Association (BGA) members Martin Harvey, building on his connection with Cheadle Hulme School (CHS), plus wife Helen Harvey, Roger Huyshe and Tom Bradbury (Y12, CHS) were kept busy throughout, from 10:00 to 15:30, supervising the games.

While the children were just from years 4 and 5, their attention was good, they learned the basics in the morning starting with Capture Go, and progressed immediately to territory Go.

Last updated Mon Oct 09 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

UK Starts Season at top of B League

Pandanet Go European Team Championship
Tue, 3 Oct 2017

The UK team started the new season of the European B League by beating Denmark by four games to nil. This put the team in first place, equal with Germany. Congratulations to them for this result!

Daniel Hu wrote:

I won by 16.5 points in a very intense game of 160 minutes against Jannik Rasmussen (4d). I played pretty well, certainly better than on Saturday, but it took me around 20 minutes to get my reading and shape feeling up to scratch. I think my opening was slightly better, playing an AlphaGo joseki, but it was an unfamiliar fight, and it used up a lot of my time. He was left to cut with an empty triangle, while I got sente.

In the middle game, I played an invasion that got slightly messy, as my top side got reduced, and I spent several moves playing dumb second line kosumis on the right side not worth much territory, but reducing his eye space.

Last updated Wed Oct 04 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Daniel Hu is British Champion

British Championship
Sat, 30 Sep 2017

After winning the first game of the title match on 19th August, Daniel Hu beat Andrew Simons in the second game on 30th September to take the match 2-0. The game was broadcast in the English Game Room on KGS so the very interesting game could be followed as it was played out from 10:00 through to after 19:00. The fuseki was very interesting - with the same joseki played in adjacent corners. On the sealed move for lunch it seemed Andrew as white had claimed the entire top of the board, but black invaded and after a lot of careful thought a ko was fought, after which the group lived. In then relied on each player carefully playing out the rest of the game to be on the right side of a tight finish. In the end, Daniel won by just 3.5 points.

Last updated Tue Oct 03 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Edmund Shaw Takes Swindon

Sat, 30 Sep 2017

Edmund Shaw (5d) from Reading made his come back to competitive Go by playing in and winning the Swindon Tournament. He is shown, right, receiving the trophy from David King. Edmund beat Min Yang (4d) from Oxford into second place. Others of the 24 players winning all three games were Martin Harvey (6k) from Manchester and Colin Maclennan (10k) from Twickenham. As last year, the venue was the Conservative Club, conveniently situated in the Old Town part of Swindon.


Last updated Wed Oct 04 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Toby Manning Wins in Sheffield

Sun, 24 Sep 2017

34 players attended the third Sheffield Tournament held, like last year, at Greenhill Library. Toby Manning won his second tournament of the month by winning all three games. He beat Helen Harvey (3k Manchester) into a noteworthy second place in the last round and is shown in the picture receiving the new trophy from organiser David Wildgoose. Local player Matt Marsh (3k) came third. Two of the large group from Cheadle Hulme School won all three games: Tom Bradbury (6k) and Rowan Borrows (31k). Daffyd Robinson (13k) must have been pleased with his three wins too, having travelled from Lincoln to take part.


Last updated Mon Sep 25 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Regulars Win Again in Cornwall

Sat, 9 - Sun, 10 Sep 2017

The Cornwall Tournaments have a regular following and it was some of those regulars who won the two tournaments. 14 players from 1d to 12k took part in the Cornish Lightning Handicap on the Saturday afternoon. Winner for the third time in four years was Paul Massey, 1k from Mid Cornwall, who is shown with the Dominic Taylor Trophy. On the Sunday there were 16 players in the Open; Toby Manning, 1d Leicester, was the winner for the second year running and the sixth time in all. The others winning wooden Go stone prizes were Tony Atkins (1k Reading) who was runner up in both events, Eric Hall (6k Swindon) who won all three in the Open and 6/7 overall, and Peter Collins (4k Bristol) won won 5/7 overall.

Last updated Tue Jan 05 2021.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Cheng Gong Takes 3 Golds at MSO

Sun, 20 - Mon, 21 Aug 2017

This year the Go events at the Mind Sports Olympiad (MSO), held again at JW3 in London, were at the start of the games festival rather than at the end. This meant lower attendance than the previous year, and the promised party of Chinese children under Sai Sun cancelled through terror worries.

On the opening Sunday of MSO, the MSO Open attracted 14 players from 5d to 8k to play a four round McMahon system event (bar at 3k). Winner of the gold medal and the top prize money was Gong Cheng (3d) who won all four, including beating the favourite Chang Han on time. Silver was shared by Lucretiu Calota (4d) and Chong Han (5d). Three of the below-bar players won two games, so no prize was needed lower down. Results

On the Monday afternoon 12 players entered the 9x9 event.

Last updated Tue Aug 22 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Daniel Hu Wins First Title Match Game

British Championship
Sat, 19 Aug 2017

In the first game of the best-of-three 2017 British Go Championship title match, Daniel Hu beat Andrew Simons to go one up. Played at Geoff Kaniuk's house in Cambridge, they played a long game that lasted well into the evening. With live broadcast in the British Room on KGS, and parallel live commentary by Matthew Macfadyen, more than 60 spectators could be found enjoying the game at any one time.

Eventually Andrew had to resign, having battled against time difficulties for over a hundred moves. The game record, with and without Matthew's analysis, and also a version with Daniel's post-game comments, is in the British Championship section.

Last updated Tue Aug 22 2017.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.