Announcement of 2019 Youth Go Squad

The 2019 UK youth go squad has been selected. The team of fifteen players comprises a mix of U20, U16 and U12 players, who form a team to compete for the UK in the European Youth Go Team Championship, played online between November and February. Each of the four matches involves five players (one Under 20yo, two U16 and two U12).

The UK team has improved in strength each year since the championship first started and this year is no exception. The prospect of making it into the youth team and acquiring one of the distinctive red team hoodies has boosted youth go in recent years. Team manager Alison Bexfield explains that she reviews the results from rated tournaments during the year, to select new players for the team.

Last updated Sun Oct 13 2019.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Andrew Kay Wins First Game in Match

The first game of this year's British Championship title match took place on Saturday 5th October, between Andrew Kay and Andrew Simons (the two top-placed players from this year's Challenger's League). After an entertaining game Andrew Kay came out on top, winning by resignation. As well as a live relay on KGS, Matthew Macfadyen commented on a clone of the game. The next game of the best-of-three title match is expected to take place in early November - more details to follow.

Last updated Sun Oct 13 2019.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Tetsuro Yoshitake Wins Wet Sheffield

Sun, 29 Sep 2019

This year 36 players took part in the annual Sheffield tournament, now in its fifth edition at Greenhill Library. Tetsuro Yoshitake (3d Nottingham) was the eventual winner with three wins and he is shown, right, receiving his prize. The next three places had to be separated by SOS to give second place to Toby Manning (1d Leicester), third to Richard Wheeldon (2k London) and fourth to Carl Roll (2k Nottingham).

Winning all three games were Ashley Lester (7k Nottingham), Daffyd Robinson (13k Lincoln) and 4 from Cheadle Hulme School (CHS) - Sam Barnett (13k), Amy Upton (13k), Morgan Pittaway (24k) and Jacob Rubert (29k). These CHS 4 had all been to this year's summer Go camp. The group of 11 from CHS competing at Sheffield won 61% of their games on the day.

Last updated Mon Oct 07 2019.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Peikai Xue Wins Swindon

Sat, 28 Sep 2019

Peikai Xue (2d London) won all three games to win the Swindon Tournament. 29 players took part at the now usual Conservative Club venue in Old Town. Jim Clare (1d Reading) was second on sos tie-break from Swindon's Tony Putman (1k) and Christian Scarff (1k), each with two wins. The only other player to win all three games was the London junior player Scott Cobbold (6k). Both he and Aidan Putman (1k Swindon) went home with "prestigious" trophies, Aidan's for the 13x13 side event.


Last updated Sat Dec 14 2019.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Joint Winners at Arundel

Sat, 21 Sep 2019

Twenty-one players made it to Arundel this year. The organiser was especially grateful to those who had travelled many miles – some even braving the M25 – to experience Go in tournament conditions and enjoy the Arundel sunshine. This year there were two winners as shown in the picture: Alistair Wall (1d Wanstead) and Jonathan Reece (1k), who was on a brief visit from his home in South Africa. Alistair and Jonathan both had two wins in the four person round robin of the top boards. Two people won all three of their games: Malcolm Hagan (7k Arundel) and Pierre Oliviere (11k Harpenden). Although there was only one dan player in the tournament, there was a good showing of double-digit-kyus – seven in all.

Results available soon

Last updated Tue Jan 05 2021.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Andrew Does Well in Korea

Korea Prime Minister Cup
Sat, 31 Aug - Fri, 6 Sep 2019

In the 2019 Korea Prime Minister Cup International Baduk Championship, our representative, Andrew Kay, came 9th out of 62 entries. He had 4 wins (against Cyprus, France, Argentina and Hungary) and 2 losses (to Korea, who came second, and Thailand). This is one of the best results ever in an international tournament by a British player. He is shown here playing the player from Hungary.

The Irish representative, Ruari McCloskey, was 59th with 1 win (against India).

The overall winner was He Xin of China with six wins. The group on five wins was Korea, Japan, Chinese Taipei, Germany (Arved Pittner), Thailand and USA. Eighth was Hong Kong. Results

Last updated Tue Sep 17 2019.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Toby Wins Cornwall Again

Sat, 7 - Sun, 8 Sep 2019

There was a disappointing turn-out at the Cornish Go Weekend which was held in Falmouth this year; it had, however, the same format as in previous years.

On the Saturday morning Ian Marsh and Toby Manning led a teaching session, while the Handicap Tournament on Saturday afternoon was won by local man Miles Henderson Smith (11k), with Peter Collins (3k Bristol) being runner-up. Results

On Sunday Toby Manning (1k Leicester) won the 3 round McMahon Tournament for the seventh time, while local man Paul Massey (1k) was the runner-up. Results

Last updated Fri Sep 13 2019.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Zhang Chao Lectures after T Mark Hall Rapid

T Mark Hall Rapid
Sat, 7 Sep 2019

On 7th September 2019 the second T Mark Hall Rapid Play Tournament was held at the London Go Centre. There were 22 entries ranging from 5 dan to 25 kyu, including several youngsters. The winner, with a clean sweep, was first time entrant Zhang Zhiqing (5d China). Second place went to another first timer, Gene Wong (3d), a youngster from Hong Kong. Third was Alistair Wall (1d). The battle below the bar was won by three 2 kyu players, Quentin Rendu, Richard Wheeldon and Paul Smith. Pierre Oliviere was the best-placed DDK and he also kindly brought along some of the youngsters. A special "fighting spirit" prize was awarded to another first timer - Ellis Martin (20k) from Sir John Lawes School - who hung in there despite having no success.

Last updated Fri Sep 13 2019.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Third Youth Camp Successful

The third residential Youth Camp took place at Caythorpe Court in Lincolnshire at the end of August, with 26 particpants. As before, it was a mixture of outdoor activities, Go games and mentoring, aimed at those in school year 6 or older, but a day longer than previous camps.

Last updated Sat Aug 21 2021.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Not All Go at MSO

Fri, 23 - Mon, 26 Aug 2019

This year's Mind Sports Olympiad was held, like the previous five editions, at the JW3 community centre in London. As usual a large variety of games and mind sports, both new and traditional, was played over the eight days of the event. Several Go players and their families were seen in non-Go events, with some, like Natasha Regan, winning a Gold medal.

Unfortunately the first Go event (9x9) scheduled for the Friday morning, 23rd August, was cancelled by the organisers as they thought there was only one entry (Paco Garcia de la Banda from Spain), but it turned out there was an error in their registration system which was not passing that event over to their tournament system; some people were disappointed not to play.

Last updated Fri Sep 13 2019.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.