Junior Go Curriculum

Thanks to Paul Smith and Cambridge Junior Chess and Go Club, we have set up this collection of documents to support a curriculum for teaching Go to juniors and to support running a junior Go club.

Within the zipped directories and files you will find the following documents:

In Core Materials (core.zip) you will find:

  • Read Me First document (this page)
  • Go teaching plan - list of all lessons in all levels
  • Go Skills Charts 1 to 4, each to record 12 lessons/activities within that level
  • Go Skills Guides 1 to 4, each giving advice on how to run the activities within that level
  • How To Teach Go basic hints document
  • Children’s club Or lesson activities suggestions
  • Puzzles catalogue

In Level Resources you will find four folders of Go problems to support the lessons/activities for levels A to D.

Please note that these puzzle collections have been built up over a long period of time and the organisation of them is not always consistent. There may be some duplicated puzzles and sometimes a puzzle is not quite at the right level for the section where the puzzle set has been placed. In addition, while a large number of puzzles have been produced in house, some are copied from external sources and this is shown in the catalogue.

In Revision and Extra Resources there is some bonus material (level E) for revision and so on.

In Basic Resources (resources.zip) you will find some potentially useful resource files:

  • Games Against Go Teacher chart
  • Handicaps for 13x13
  • Pairing Cards
  • Results Wall Chart

In Example Club Documents (admin.zip) there are examples of the sort of official documents that a Go club for children may need. Some of these are likely to be UK-specific but others may have a more general use:

  • Risk Assessment
  • Safeguarding Policy
  • Behaviour Policy
  • Data Protection Policy
  • Privacy Statement
  • Annual Report
  • Membership Form
  • Photography Permission Form
  • Constitution
  • Advertising Leaflet/Flyer
  • Volunteer List
  • Tournament Entry Form Example
  • Holiday Go Day Form Example
  • Name Badges
  • Logo Example

In Cambridge Information (reports.zip) there’s some information specific to youth Go activities in Cambridge to show the kind of reports you can produce and share with interested organisations:

  • Report on 30 years of promoting Go to children in Cambridge
  • Paul’s diary of one week of youth Go in Cambridge
  • Report on organising the Euro City Youth Go League in 2023

In Cambridge Website (website.zip) there are files from the Cambridge Junior Chess & Go Club website to give an example of what you might set up for your club.

Prior to this curriculum the Cambridge Go Puzzle Sheets were made available, which you may wish to also use.

Last updated Thu Aug 01 2024.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.