Notes for Tournament Organisers

The BGA Tournament Calendar is maintained as one of the activities of the Tournaments Committee.

If you have any information about a forthcoming Go tournament in Britain or Ireland that is not listed then please inform the BGA tournament coordinator (tournament-coordinator at who maintains the Tournament Calendar and also arranges the equipment and so on.

You are encouraged to read our advice about publicising tournaments. In addition it explains how getting your tournament on the BGA website means it gets mentioned in the BGA newsletter and how you can get a web page or tournament flyer linked from your event details. You can also get us to set your event up in our automatic registration system. It also tells you what you need to do with the results afterwards. You need to make it clear on your own event information that each player's results will be made public.

You should also check the Tournament Organisers’ FAQ that explains about using BGA equipment and other BGA services, and the levy that is charged for use of these.

The BGA feel that it is important to provide recognition to people who sponsor Go tournaments. If your tournament is receiving sponsorship then please inform us so that it can be mentioned on the calendar.

If you want to see what events have been hosted previously in recent years see the archived calendar for example: 2019.

Hosting a national event

Some of the events on this list, for example the British Go Congress, the UK 13×13 championship and the British Youth Go Championships are the responsibility of the BGA board. In any particular year they arrange for a particular club or person to host each of these events. If you are interested in running one of these events then you are encouraged to approach a member of the board. The BGA would like these events, in particular the British Go Congress to visit as many different parts of the country as possible.

Last updated Wed Sep 04 2024.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.