
Tournament Type
Next Tournament Date
Sat, 1 Mar 2025
3-round McMahon. Time limits 30 mins with 10s Fischer time.
Frodsham Community Centre, Fluin Lane, Frodsham, Cheshire
Pat Ridley
British Go Association Online Registration System?
Current Champion
Chenghang Liu

3-round McMahon.

Past Winners and Results
  • 2024 Chenghang Liu
  • 2023 Chenghang Liu
  • 2022 Runyi Wu
  • 2019 Andrew Simons
  • 2018 Yangran Zhang
  • 2017 Alistair Wall
  • 2016 Lucas Baker
  • 2015 Alistair Wall
  • 2014 Mark Elliot
  • 2013 Toby Manning
  • 2012 Tony Atkins
  • 2011 Alex Rix
  • 2010 David Ward
  • 2009 Martin Harvey - awarded on results at the British Go Congress
  • 2008 Tony Atkins
  • 2007 Lianpeng Zhang
  • 2006 Yangran Zhang
  • 2005 Toby Manning
  • 2004 Andrew Morris
  • 2003 Tony Atkins
  • 2002 Ruud Stoelman
  • 2001 Kunio Kashiwagi
  • 1986 Piers Shepperson
  • 1985 Richard Granville
  • 1984 Chee-kul Choi
Start Year
Normal Month

Annual McMahon tournament held in Frodsham, Cheshire

Started by Brian Timmins in Crewe in January 1984. In 1986 it was held later in the year because of the British Go Congress in Crewe in the spring of 1986. Brian then moved his tournament to Shrewsbury and the Cheshire lapsed for 15 years.

It restarted in February 2001 with an Open section (top 8 players) and a Handicap section (rest). The Crewe factory canteen of Rolls-Royce proved a good venue, though the Go players had to be a lot quieter than they were used to (because of the parallel Chess event) and bring heaters if cold.

In 2005 Bentley, as they were by then, were not able to make the canteen available, so an emergency venue for the Go was found at Ashdene Primary School in Wilmslow, thanks to a Go player who lived next door who was friends with the headmaster and whose Go-playing son attended.

In 2006 the Chess found a new venue at the Community Centre in Frodsham, thanks to local player Pat Ridley. Go joined them in a side room, which was better as the Go players didn't have to be so quiet, and it has been there ever since.

In 2009 the British Go Congress was being held in Chester, so the tournament was replaced by a teaching day, the Cheshire titles being awarded based on results at the Congress.

The current trophy is a replacement for the Cheshire Open Plaque, but has also been mislaid.

From 2015 the event is just one group. 2020 and 2021 were cancelled - back on in 2022 and then 2023 (postponed from 18th March until 1st July because of proposed train strike).

Registration by 10:30. Prize-giving by 18:30

Last updated Tue Sep 17 2024.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.