Bar Low

Tournament Type
Next Tournament Date
Sat, 2 Nov 2024
5 round McMahon tournament for kyu players only.
London Go Centre, Dalling Road, Hammersmith
W6 0JD
Current Champion
Brook Roberts

For kyu players only.

Past Winners and Results
  • 2023 Brook Roberts
  • 2022 Lea Wong
  • 2021 Scott Cobbold
  • 2019 Rawle Michelson
  • 2018 Peikai Xue
  • 2017 Alison Bexfield
  • 2015 Tobias Ungerer
  • 2014 Chris Volk
  • 2013 Mike Cockburn
  • 2012 Florian Borchers
  • 2011 Graham Lamburn / John Richardson / Adan Mordcovich
  • 2010 James Murray
  • 2009 Edwin Brady
  • 2008 Ed Wormington
  • 2007 Andrew Kay
  • 2006 Paul Tabor
  • 2005 Matthew Reid
  • 2004 Jong Ug Kim
  • 2003 Paul Taylor
  • 2002 Edward Blockley
  • 2001 Mike Cockburn
  • 2000 Phil Beck
  • 1999 Jonathan Chin
  • 1998 Jonathan Chin / Pengfei He / Robert Salkeld / Nick Wedd
  • 1997 Jonathan Chin
Start Year
Normal Month

Open only to kyu-graded players.

Originally held in Cambridge and sometimes held alongside the Candidates' Tournament. It has often been part of the Cambridge Mind Sports weekend.

Was cancelled in 2020. 2024 is 2nd November.

Last updated Mon Jul 22 2024.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.