UK Tournament Report

Second 2023 British Small Board Held in Cambridge

British Small Board Championship
Sat, 18 Nov 2023

Because the 2022 edition of the British Small Board Championship was delayed until February, the 2023 edition on the afternoon of Saturday 18th November became the second of the year. Both were held in Pembroke College Old Library in Cambridge, but the second attracted four fewer players with 34. There was an overall winner prize of £25 provided by the BGA and this went to local student Tunyang Xie (5d).

Last updated Wed Nov 29 2023.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.


Cheadle Hulme School
Sun, 19 Nov 2023

It was a rainy November Sunday in Greater Manchester, writes organiser Chris Kirkham, but the atmosphere in the Go tournament was even better than usual. The attendance, at 56 players, was the largest it has been for many years, and the location, in the underpass of Cheadle Hulme School, even better than in recent years, when it was in the dining room above.

Last updated Mon Nov 27 2023.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Brook Roberts Wins Bar Low

Bar Low
Sat, 4 Nov 2023

There were 32 kyu-graded players in this year's Bar Low. The event was hosted as before at the London Go Centre thanks to their organising team of Gerry, Richard and Peter. Thanks to the event's continuing ongoing anonymous sponsor all the prize winners, shown in the photo left, were able to order a Go book of their choice up to £25.

Last updated Mon Nov 06 2023.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

53rd Wessex

Sun, 29 Oct 2023

The event took place as usual at St Marks Community Centre in Bath. Turnout was good, after a few late withdrawals and some on the day entrants they had 36 players and one unnecessary ‘ghost’. It was especially pleasing to see a number of new faces. Possibly the main downside of the day was the parking; Bath Council seems to be making a good job of deterring all traffic from the city centre. The organisers will look into what can be done for next year.

Last updated Thu Nov 02 2023.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Robot Introduced at Sheffield Tournament

Sun, 1 Oct 2023

The Sheffield Tournament had 38 entrants, reports organiser David Wildgoose. The bar was set at 1k providing six players above the bar and was eventually won by Peikai Xue (4d UCL). Five players gained prizes for winning all three of their games. Other than Peikai they were all from Cheadle Hulme: Megan Upton (14k), James Zhao (16k), Claude Robinson (27k) and Pip Hawkes (34k). Results

Last updated Thu Oct 05 2023.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

"Knives Out" at Edinburgh Open Tournament

Edinburgh Open
Sat, 9 Sep 2023

The Edinburgh Open was again held at the "St Columba's by the Castle" Episcopal Church Hall. This year, nice weather meant they could use the garden of the church hall as a review space. Overall turnout was up on last year with 29 players and pleasingly included three first-time tournament players.

The bar was set at 2k, which made for a very competitive field of seven players who could win the competition. Local player Grzegorz Kudla (2k) won the tournament with three wins from three games, following a tense final game with Ai Guan (Birmingham 1k).

Last updated Wed Sep 27 2023.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Go at 27th Mind Sports Olympiad

Sun, 27 - Mon, 28 Aug 2023

The 27th Mind Sports Olympiad (MSO) took place in its regular venue of the JW3 centre in London. As usual a large number of games fans from around the world, including this time a large team of Koreans, assembled to play a long and varied list of games. Some Go players competed in several games: Ai Guan, Paul Smith and Caleb Monk; Natasha Regan was the Women's Pentamind champion. Details of all MSO results are on the MSO Database.

Last updated Wed Sep 27 2023.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

"New" Venue Popular for Welsh Open

Welsh Open
Sat, 24 - Sun, 25 Jun 2023

On 24-25 June, the switch back to Barmouth's Dragon Theatre proved popular with the 30 attendees, who took advantage of a rare whole-weekend tournament on the BGA calendar. The theatre was the tournament's very first venue in the seaside town, back in 1993. It felt good for the event to be supporting a fine, renovated community amenity, for this 29th edition.

The weather was mixed, but there were chances to climb the cliffs for views of the town, its wide bay and the start of Snowdonia national park's scenic mountainous region.

Last updated Wed Jul 12 2023.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Chenghang Liu Wins First UK Tournament

Sat, 1 Jul 2023

The Cheshire, which had been postponed from March because of a train strike, took place on Saturday 1st July at Frodsham Community Centre. North-west clubs were well represented: Liverpool club provided five of the 32 players, Manchester eight players, Lancaster four players and Chester four players.

Last updated Tue Nov 21 2023.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.

Durham Social Despite Weather

Sat, 17 - Sun, 18 Jun 2023

The 2023 Durham Go Tournament was held in Elvet Hill House, next to the Oriental Museum, as has become traditional over the last few years. This year Andrew was able to be there in person to help with the organisation, having not contracted Covid!

Last updated Sun Jun 25 2023.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.