British Go Journal Backnumbers

All the old issues are available online in our archive, as original pdf files or pdf scans. Those from the last year are only available in our members only section.

Our remaining stocks of printed Journals are available to collectors and those interesting in reading paper versions, in return for donations to support youth Go through the Youth Go Trust.

A box of old Journals is sometimes brought to a tournament, containing a mix of new and second hand editions, with most editions from the late 1960s up to about 2010 available, individually or in sets. These are available for members to take free of charge, though we do request a small cash donation for youth Go, as mentioned above.

Particular back issues of the BGJ are available to anyone to order. Most editions are available from number 12 through to number 160. Again these are a mix of second hand copies and, for the recent ones, new. Please contact us for a quotation if you would like to purchase any. The price will include postage and packing and a donation to the Youth Go Trust.

Also available is the Index for issues 0-100 and the Canterbury 1992 booklet.

If you require a stock of journals from for outreach purposes, get in touch and tell us your plans and we will provide journals for no charge.

Last updated Tue Jul 30 2024.
If you have any comments, please email the webmaster on web-master AT britgo DOT org.